@inproceedings{lu2015_fg, title = {The FG 2015 Kinship Verification in the Wild Evaluation}, author = {Jiwen {Lu} and Junlin {Hu} and Venice Erin {Liong} and Xiuzhuang {Zhou} and Andrea {Bottino} and Ihtesham Ul {Islam} and Tiago Figueiredo {Vieira} and Xiaoqian {Qin} and Xiaoyang {Tan} and Songcan {Chen} and Yosi {Keller} and Shahar {Mahpod} and Lilei {Zheng} and Khalid {Idrissi} and Christophe {Garcia} and Stefan {Duffner} and Atilla {Baskurt} and Modesto {Castrillon-Santana} and Javier {Lorenzo-Navarro}}, month = may, address = {Ljubljana, Slovenia}, booktitle = {IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FG)}, year = {2015}, }